© Malcolm 2022
Ki2Aikido - a Beginner’s Guide

Ki Aikido Grading Information

Minimum Required Practise

In addition to the calendar intervals, a minimum number of practise hours should be completed. For a 4 month interval, at least 48 training hours should have been completed and for a 6 month interval 72 training hours should have been completed. Note: This information applies to the British Ki Society (BKS) grading guidelines. The requirements do vary for other forms of Aikido that fall under different governing bodies.


Begin with warm-up - Kenkotaiso (Health exercise). This is a part of the test. Chukyu – Examinee must do Kenkotaiso in the correct order Jokyu – Examinee must keep timing and rhythm with examiners count Shoden/Joden/Chuden/Okuden – Examinee must count with the correct rhythm Kenkotaiso (Health Exercise) (see the Exercises page for fuller description) 1. Turning the trunk clockwise and anticlockwise by rotating the shoulders with arms raised above the head 2. Stretching the trunk to the side by swinging alternate arms above the head 3. Stretching backward and forward by swinging the arms between the legs then above the head 4. Shoulder blade exercise 5. Moving the head down and up 6. Turning the head side to side 7. Bending at the knees and standing on tiptoe 8. Stretching the knee on alternate sides 9. Circling both arms while bending the knees 10. Shake out the hands; downwards, to the side of the body The Kenkotaiso is followed by the Ki tests. The Deshi adopts the pose described below applicable to their grade level. Sensei will test by gradually applying pressure, back, front, sideways, up and down as appropriate. Some checks (higher grades) require initial ‘bounce’ of pressure before full pressure is applied to test if the Deshi is able to maintain Ki despite being distracted. Succeeding levels require greater levels of Ki to be demonstrated.


Chukyu – Examinee must do Kenkotaiso in the correct order Jokyu – Examinee must keep timing and rhythm with examiners count Shoden/Joden/Chuden/Okuden – Examinee must count with the correct rhythm
Applicability   Test   Position   Test   Shokyu      5th kyu      4th kyu   Ki - Aikido   Arms Up   Standing   Sitting Seiza   Sitting cross legged (Agura)   Putting out one hand (Palm facing down)   Breathing exercise (Kokyu - ho)   Front, back, side of shoul der. Small of back   Plus push from front, uke holds Tori’s arms   First plus lift hand and lift knee   Pull, push from wrist, lift under elbow   Push in to front shoulder on in breath   Chukyu      3 rd   kyu      2nd kyu   Ki - Aikido   Arms Up   Standing   Sitting Seiza.   Sitting c ross legged (Agura)   Putting out one hand (Palm facing down)   Breathing exercise (Kokyu - ho)   Repeat   above but with better Ki   Jokyu      1st Kyu   Arms Down   Standing   Sitting Seiza.   Sitting cross legged (Agura)   Putting out one hand (Palm facing down)   Standing with  one foot forward   Leaning backward   Bending forward   Standing and putting out one hand   Standing on one foot and putting out one hand   St anding up and sitting down in S eiza   Breathing exercise (Kokyu - ho)   Repeat above but with better Ki and add the  additional tes ts shown   Shoden      1st Dan   Standing   Sitting Seiza.   Sitting cross legged (Agura)   Putting out one hand (Palm facing down)   Standing with one foot and one arm forward   standing with one foot forward   Leaning backward on a partner   Bending forward leaning on a par tner   Standing on one foot and putting out one hand   Standing up and sitting down in seiza   Swinging both hands up   Unraisable body   Walking forward while being held from behind   Sitting cross legged (Agura)   Breathing exercise (Kokyu - ho)     Chuden      2nd Dan   A. Di sciplines 1 - 15   B. Kenkotaiso     Joden      3rd Dan   A. Disciplines 1 - 15   B. Kenkotaiso     Okuden      4thDan   A. Disciplines 1 - 15   B. Kenkotaiso

Aikido Examination - Kyu Grades

KYU   HITORIWAZA   KUMIWAZA / TSUZUKIWAZA   –   ATTACK DESCRIPTION   KUMIWAZA / TSUZUKIWAZA   –   RE SPONSE DESCRIPTION     5 th   Kyu   (Yellow)   Min imum  4  months  practice   after Shokyu   Jo Kenko Taiso   Udefuri Undo   Udefuri Choyaku Undo   Tenkan   Undo   Sayu Undo   Sayu Choyaku Undo   Ushiro Ukemi Undo   Zempo Kaiten Undo   Katate Kosa - dori    Cross hand wrist hold   Katate - dori Ry o - te - mochi  Two hands hold one hand   Katate - dori       One hand wrist hold   Katate - dori Ryo - te - mochi  Two hands hold one hand   Zagi Ryo - te - dori        Hold both hands whilst kneeling   Kokyu - nage (hachi - no - ji   (Figure 8) )   Kokyu - nage     Tenkan Kokyu - nage      Tenkan Kokyu - n age Ude - mawashi    Kokyu - nage irimi

More Detailed Explanation for 5th Kyu:

1. Katate kosa-dori / kokyu-nage – Tori steps in behind Uke, bringing hand not being held onto neck, held hand brings Uke round, held hand drops bringing Uke forward slightly and comes back up over Uke’s face, hands extended with ki being laid over Uke as he drops to floor. 2. Katate-dori Ryo-te-mochi / Tenkan Kokyu-nage – free hand extends outwards to bring Uke off balance, then as for ‘1’ above. 3. Katate-dori / Tenkan Kokyu-nage – Tori steps in beside Uke (not disturbing the hold) and turns both palms to face up (tenkan); walk Uke round in circle (Tori on inside & not too tight or Uke may let go). Bend both knees, so down, up and extend hands laying ki. Uke falls. 4. Katate-dori Ryo-te-mochi / Tenkan Kokyu-nage Ude-mawashi – Tori brings body in to Uke, folds held arm close into body with hand in ‘beak’ position in shoulder, walk Uke in circle, circle ‘beak’ arm down and round (ude-mawashi – sweep of the arm) bringing Uke through 180 turn, kokyu-nage. 5. Zagi Ryo-te-dori / Kokyu-nage irimi – one hand turns over Uke’s hand bringing it to floor with Uke forward and off balance, other hand goes up to shoulder height and takes Uke backwards until Uke rolls on back, move outer knee in to maintain balance. Sit on heels (which should be together) but with toes still tucked under. Hold, as Uke will test Tori’s ki in this position. Note: Different techniques are employed by different Sensei. For example in ‘1’ above, one advocates walking the uke round in a circle whereas the others simply turn the uke through 180 before dropping the hand. Different emphasis is put on the held hand too. Different styles is not necessarily a bad thing as in real life each attacker and each attack varies – but it does make it more difficult to learn.
KYU   HITORIWAZA   KUMIWAZA / TSUZUKIWAZA   –   ATTACK DESCRIPTION   KUMIWAZA / TSUZUKIWAZA   –   RESPONSE DESCRIPTION     4 th   Kyu   (Orange)     Minimum      4 months  practice  after 5 th   kyu   Jo Aiki Taiso:   Funakogi Undo     :  Ikkyo Undo     :  T en shin   Undo     :  Zengo Undo     :  Happo Undo   Mae Ukemi and Ushiro Ukemi      Katate - dori        One hand wrist hold   Mune - tsuki       Body strike   Mune - tsuki       Body strike   Ryo - te - mochi      Two hand hold   Ushiro Ryo - te - dori    Two hand hold from behind   Ushiro - kubi - shime     Neck  choke from behind   Ushiro Katate - dori     One hand held from behind     Ikkyo irimi     Enter, apply Ikkyo   Ikkyo irimi       Enter, apply Ikkyo   Kote - oroshi   Lead down forearm   Kote - oroshi     Lead down forearm   Zenpo - nage   Throw Uke into forward roll   Kokyu - nage Ura - gaeshi     G e t behind and  t hrow   Ikkyo       Apply Ikkyo       3 rd   Kyu   (Green)     Minimum      6 months  practice   after Chukyu   Koteoroshi Undo   Sankyo Undo   Nikyo Undo   Tekubikosa Undo   Hanmi - Gyakuhanmi Undo    Ushirotori Undo   UshiroTekubitori Zenshin Undo   UshiroTekubitori Koshin Undo     Jo   and Jo:     Shomen - uchi   Strike to top of head     Yokomen - uchi   Strike to side of head     Yoko - barai     Strike from side to side     Do - uchi     Strike to mid region     Ashi - uchi     Strike to ankle/foot   Katate - dori    Katate - dori    Yokomen - uchi    Katate - dori    Yokomen - uchi      Ryote - dori    Ushiro - dori    Tanto - dori: Mune - tsuki    Bokken - dori: Shomen - uchi   Jo and Jo:     Block by raising Jo just above head , elbows bent     Block at level of attack by swinging Jo to side     (best to swing from side - to - side in ‘cup’ arc     rather than ‘hat’ arc.)     ditt o   Kokyu - nage irimi   Kokyu - nage (get rid of hold, figure 8)   Kokyu - nage (figure 8)   Shiho - nage (irimi / tenkan)   Shiho - nage: (tenkan - irimi, tenkan - tenkan, irimi - irimi,  irimi - tenkan)   Zenpo - nage over top of me, nearly   Zenpo - nage   Kote - oroshi   Kokyu - nage (figure 8)       2 nd   Kyu   (Blue)     Minimum      6 months  practice   after 3 rd   kyu   One - hand bokken - exercises:   Moving bokken vertically   Shomenuchi   Moving bokken horizontally   Cutting forward horizontally   ( Each exercise 8 times with R      hand and 8 times with L hand )       Shikko:     (8  steps forward  –   8 steps      backward, 4  Tenkan )   Zagi: Shomen - uchi   Kata - dori    Kata - dori    Kata - dori    Kata - dori    Yokomen - uchi    Shomen - uchi    Ushiro Ryo - kata - dori    Ushiro Ryo - kata - dori    Jodori: Tsuki - kaeshi    Jodori: Mune - tsuki    Hitori - gake ( solo   attack   –   series o f attacks by 1 man )     Ikkyo (irimi / tenkan)   Ikkyo irimi  (static)   Nikyo irimi (static)    Sankyo irimi  (static)   Yonkyo irimi (static)   Kokyu - nage irimi ikkyo form   Ikkyo (irimi / tenkan)    Kokyu - nage (figure 8)   Zen po - nage   back the way uke came   Zen po - nage throw   same direction   Appropriate response for each attack
Note: Hitori-waza – ‘alone techniques’ – ie practising by one’s self – solo techniques Kumi-waza – ‘couple techniques’ – ie two people practising together Tsuzuki-waza – ‘continuity techniques’ ie techniques woven together one after another
Note. ‘Figure eight’ does not refer to an English Figure of 8. See definition of Hasso No Kamae, which reads: The figure eight does not correspond to the Arabic numeral "8", but to the Chinese/Japanese character which looks more like the roof of a house. In Hasso No Kamae, the sword is held up beside one's head, so that the elbows spread down and out from the sword in a pattern resembling this figure-eight character.